Alhamdulillah, tadi went for Baby.I's 3rd month appointment. Both Mama and Babah is so proud of him for not being cranky. Hehehe. I guess as you know the routine for your little baby, everything should be well anticipated and the less panic you get the better it is! ;) I had my pap smear done jua tadi and Alhamdulillah, managed to endure the itsy bitsy tiny pain caused by the speculum. *lol* I hope the result is tiptop... insya-Allah~
Sad to say though, Baby.I is no longer bf-ing :( I still read the bf-ing support group forum on FB so as to gain some more knowledge about this and yes, Bruneian mommies are helpful (although ada a few yang out of topic berabis *lol* but good discussion tho...). I am again, one of the tiny percentage of women who can't fully breastfeed her child. Devastated? Yes., well..I used to be depressed about this (hormones?) but dearest Hubs helped me through and Alhamdulillah, lifted up my spirit. Again, I have to always say to myself and also everyone out there, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Sometimes, we're sad because we can't get the things we wanted and but always we forget to appreciate all the blessings around us... so yes people, always keep that in mind. I too tend to forget these things.
In my case, I am grateful that now, I'm a mother, I have a family who loves me, a loving husband, a healthy baby (who is now part-time cloth diapering *smiles* ) and these people have made my life more meaningful. Alhamdulillah, semoga semuanya berkekalan dengan izinNya jua *Amin* As my husband would say to me, Bersangka baik pada Allah.
Need to pack everything (bf related) back into its respective boxes soon. Insya-Allah to be used for the next one. :) Allah knows best.
Oh btw, I believe I've mentioned to you lots that we'll be moving to our own place soon? *phew* Another entry on that episode soon... I sure will miss my espeed broadband connection here at my parents'. Arah the new place we pakai hubby's Go! broadband (tapi macam selalu lagging jua) So, we're thinking to apply for zoom! broadband instead. We'll see. I've already shifted Baby.I's paed appointment to a nearby clinic, there are still a few things to bring over to the new place and slowly, we'll get everything lah... can't believe it's nearing soon.. meaningnya nda lagi lama kan keraja!! Uwaaa!!!
Until next time.... Loving both of my handsome Reds to bits! xoxo
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