Tuesday, 19 December 2017

definitely not my last entry...

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

3 years has passed since you've (Little Mr. I) joined Taska and next year will be Little Miss S's turn. I can't help but feeling overwhelmed for the past three years. The both of you  has grown so much and has made me loved you deeper each day... mama will always cherish every moments and times spent with all of my children. All the memories wihich I should have entered into this blog but insya-Allah will try to fit in when the time suits.

As of today, Little Mr. I is Young Mr. I *hehe* Me and husband decided to circumcised him at the start of the school holiday this year.  Alhamdulillah, he actually enjoyed going through his 2 weeks recovery *rollseyes* pasal apa tu nah? Pasal kena pamper berabissssss.... makan minum semua kena hidang! I was abit worried, ok... that's an understatement.. I was worried berabissssss that he'll be complaining throughout but syukur, he's so excited to finally have done it (at 6 years old). I still remembered the night we brought him over to Klinik Dr. Asri in Serusop / Anggerek. Chose to do it here pasal lesser crowd and lower anxiety (for mummy).  He only started to feel the pain when we reached back home that night and terus fell asleep... woke up the next morning (pain was bearable) and he was all smiles! 

Mama and Babah is so proud of you Abang I.. may Allah protect our family and guide us always. 

Little Miss S pun nda ketinggalan with her newly achievement this December. It was our 2nd time persuading her to be toilet trained. The first time was middle of this year, sekajap saja nda pakai diapers then the rest of the day "pakai pampers saja!" One week we tried and was unsuccessful, so we decided to just go with the flow and see how it goes. So randomly 2 weeks ago we asked her to just wear her undies and surprise, surprise.... she made it through the day!!!  Alhamdulillah~ We were like.. this is too good to be true... try lagi the next day, and the following day.. sama jua! (And ofcourse we praise her everytime she asks anyone of us to bring her to the toilet to pee and poo) Mesti puji to make them more semangat and as promised, I bought her another set of undies from mothercare since there is a sale on-going now *lol* We then observe her diaper throughout night time (sleep time) and noticed that the diaper inda wet and she will only request to go to the toilet when she wakes. 

Achievement unlock my dear Little Miss S. Sekolah next year nanti can join swimming lessons!

So now, as promised to both of them. We'll be fulfilling their December wishlist (which involves activities in Brunei only) Can't go out the country due to my condition at the moment. This I will pun in another entry. Until then...


Monday, 2 February 2015

...feeling helpless

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Who would've thought the time would come when I will feel so helplessly helpless as I heard my very own child cried for us. I just have to. I must! WE MUST (as my husband said it). I didn't want to leave him with the teacher on the first day, no! Not after the loud scream and cries calling for 'Mama!!!' Arrrggghhh, must-not-give-in. Part of me kept of saying that this is normal, most young kids cried on their first day... most want their parents to be around and ALL MOM, I can confidently say, can't bear hearing the pleas of their children.

Took a lot of courage to walk away from his class that day. There I was stepping away from his classroom, anxiously thinking how good he would be behaving, how his teacher manage the whole class, how would he treat his friends... will he pee in his pants? will he eat his snacks? will he lose his things? Yes, call it paranoia! Little Mr. I has finally gone to school..

It's coming to a month after that very first day... Little Mr. I now loves going to school. Did all sort of artsy crafty school work and is a happy, happy boy! The best part is, seeing his happy face and having him hug me lovingly everytime we pick him up from school. Mama is so proud of you sayang... LOVE YOU LOADS! And Baby S too..

Pray that the both of you will be amongst the pious, always be in Allah's guidance and protections, and will always be in Allah's blessing... Amin...
