السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Pers... Diaper
Bus... bus
Cars... Cars
Wheels... wheels (any wheels from that of cars to tiny strollers)
Tars... Stars
Nas... Panas
Non... Bottled milk
Num... Drinking from the glass (he will choose his drinks)
Pas (points at the refrigerator)... Kupas buah ..he loves juicy fruits
Pas (looking up)... Fan
Pas (for something off)... Terlepas
Pas (for fixing sumthing up)... Pasang
Tetum... vacuum
Cow... Lembu
Tan... Sun
Shoes... Kasut
Jan... Jalan
Bam... Lying down
Mam... Makan
Baby... All babies including toddlers!
And ofcourse, Mama ... Babah... Nini... Ni Yama... Ni Yabah... Abang... Kaka...
Yes, that many with lots of expressions too!!! 😲😯😏😠😡😫😙😪😱 ever caught him recognising numbers too.. But then again, I may be imagining things *lol* if it is even true... That's a milestone indeed!!
He's not show any signs for potty training but just for the sake of getting him used to it, everytime before his shower, we'll let him first sit on his potty and likewise after... he likes it but doesn't know the purpose of the potty yet. *Sigh* I pray so much that it'll be by the age of 24 months! He's grown so much...and unexpectedly so well!! Alhamdulillah...thank you Allah for this wonderful being. Insya-Allah akan kami jaga dirinya agar dia menjadi seorang yang berpegang teguh dengan perintah dan ajaranMu.... He's definitely our I'jaz....
4 more months till his birthday... Mama has yet to organise something special this time around... Insya-Allah~
Until the next entry....
P/s : photo taken by himself!!!