Sunday, 8 June 2014

... very long overdue

  ..السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

 Apologies for the unannounced hiatus.... I should have put notification with regards to the matter, and today, baru tah I have ample time to post everything up. Every now and then I actually typed in something for update but didn't quite manage to complete it.. normally it's just the title *LOL*

First of all were the event entries that I've missed (pictures were attached before but then... a veeeery long entry tia now and I don't want to bore you guys:
  • The Maulidur Rasul 
  • WE'RE EXPECTING!!! - Alhamdulillah for this and didn't expect it to happen rightaway *blush* was aiming for another November baby but then, rezeki ketentuan Allah Ta'ala and I'm due in September insya-Allah
  • 30th National Day for the Abode of Peace.... - a breathtaking celebration and field performance by all ( I certainly puji.... to the extent of my hormones playing a big part in me being sentimental that I actually teared up! *I know!~* )
  • The implementation of Hudud Syari'ah Law in Brunei - which I strongly support. It is nothing out of the ordinary, it's just our normal Muslim practice on which is right or wrong. Some cases can still be punished using the Civil law whilst some with enough proofs and fulfilment to certain conditions and requirement will ofcourse be punished using the Syariah Law.
  • The re-opening of Jerudong Park Playground - my goodness, the last time I went there was 1995/6 and that was when I was around 12 yrs old!! *lol* Dating pun takde kat sana tau~~ But will definitely bring my children to come and visit the place nanti..... 'children' ok, not 'child' !! Passed by the area every now and then, well- did our Post Wed photoshoot at the location though but not inside the playground area!! And that was....almost five years ago?!?
Anyhoots, yes our Anniversary (islamic calendar) is coming soon .. the 5th!! Alhamdulillah for the unlimited happiness bestowed upon us and our little family. May Allah grants us more rizq and always guide ourselves to the right path... *Amin*

Now as some of you may have known, or in case you guys have notice... I am already half way through my pregnancy. Don't know the gender of the little baby just yet, still patiently waiting for the next ultrasound session at the hospital or if inda tahan, may opt to go for private gynae clinic to get a 3D/4D scan -- reluctant though cos we didn't do it for the 1st one... so macam tak adil for him, but we'll see. Did manage to read reviews on Brunei's private gynae clinics wrt this... but the idea that they are all in Bandar makes me go *hmmmph* capital letter M! *LOL*

If only they provide home services *lol* imagine that!? Sibuk kali eh....

Speaking of home services, I've managed to book me a slot for post-natal treatment with my previous bidan / tukang urut, Alhamdulillah she is available nanti in September. Just need to constantly remind her by paying monthly installment. Al-maklum, pretty busy bah this lady... ~ I would wanna go for a different home service but I pretty much prefer this lady cos inda banyak kan di consume for pantang... just merely maajun and air masak plus ofcourse the daily herbal baths, the oh-so-nyaman  massage and oh-so-refreshing herbal sauna... (Sabar dear.... 3 mo months to go!!) Mudahan she is in good health and can make it nanti..insya-Allah~