Saturday, 28 January 2012

the SNS...


Alhamdulillah, the SNS worked for me and Baby.I~ Walaupun he is still on formula but at least ia mau bf-ing with it. At least I know that he still have comfort while bf-ing with me. The cons of using SNS is when he's cranky. Due to it's complex bottle shape (which it could be smaller) payah sikit kan prepare the milk sana. I just have to prepare arh my tommee tippee bottle lagi then transfer to the SNS pasang the tube then voila! Baby.I is bf-ing from me. Setitik of my BMs that he managed to suck out pun sudah cukup bermakna for me as of now. At least I tried to coax him to bf-ing. I did not, however, avoid bottle feed from him cos it'll be difficult when I start working nanti.

So yes... relactation process will fully begun when my pump arrives nanti. Yes, yes.. membali jua lah recommended pump (as good as hospital grade ones) for better stimulation and suction. Dudidudidu~ As soon as it arrives, will definitely start my relactation progress. I've read so many blogs and sites regarding this! Hopefully works for me too.. but if it doesn't, Allah knows best. He may have His reasons... who knows kan? Bersangka baik saja kepadaNya...

"La illaha illa anta... subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimeen ..." Pray for me peeps...

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

the resolution...

Assalamualaikum my dearest(s),

Part of my 2012 resolution is to actually breastfeed (bf) my Baby.I... yes, I am guilty for giving my little Baby.I formula milk (fm) at such a very young age. And yes, I am one of those Mom's who can't actually try bf-ing her baby from the start. I guess, l was not strong enough the first 2 weeks journey towards motherhood. I have all the support yes... but nature took a different course.

Story was like this... the 1st prob was Baby.I's inability to latch (Alhamdulillah by day 5, he can).. the 2nd one was nipple soreness and bleeding. Surrounding support just simply said to apply Lanolin and my own bm to the nip but it was going on for days on both Bs ! :( :( :( :( I can't direct feed (this was my 3rd problem.... very the sakit one!! I cried everytime and with the bleed I dare not feed my baby bleeding bms!) and when I pump (I wasn't producing much that time, just 1-1.5oz per pumping session?) all the bms got mixed with blood jua... I was depressed and from that day onwards I have no choice but to feed my baby fm occasionally mix with bf (more towards comfort nursing) I still feel the guilt up until now.

To date, even though I can no longer pump the amount stated above (yes, it's getting less now...a total of 2 tspn) and I do know the rules of "supply and demand" meaning, your supply will only be up if the demand is there~ Baby.I isn't keen on waiting eversince Day 2 hence I only nurse him when he seems ok but only to have a cranky baby at the end of every session.... :(

 So last month, did a little bit of reading on relactation, the process of reproducing milk supply by means of induced lactation. I was extremely happy that it can be done!! Alhamdulillah ya Rabb, syukur for showing me the sign. At least, I know that it can be done and I'm willing to try it! THIS website really helps as well as this very inspirational blog . This method has also been tried by mothers who has never lactate and wanting to bf their adopted babies. Believe me, dengan izin Allah, it works! I've read a few Malay site as well. Can't track back the site but I do remember it being a mother who practiced induced lactation with the help of a supplementing nursing system (SNS) , a good pump (mostly a hospital grade one but since di Brunei nada rental for such pumps so another recommendation was the Medela FS) and actually work!!! It has its high chances if you are still within 3-4month postpartum. So it's not too late to try... :D :D

Told hubby about it, and he said 'bah, cuba lah... mana tau Insya-Allah mau?' I had little knowledge of it (SNS) being sold here in Brunei so I opted for a friend who bought them for me (now awaiting for its postage arrival) Hopefully success! Cloth diapering (CD) sudah inda dapat cos Baby.I inda feel comfy usulnya, he was cranky and moody the whole morning.. worry plang pikir ada anything kah apa... sekali bila di tukar to disposables he's a happy bub. Alhamdulillah~ Guess, we can only plan but things won't just go our way right? Mama and Babah can't go cheapskate all the way.... hehehe

Hopefully, the process of relactation works for me and Baby.I ... I really really want to bf him, not just occasionally but fully without supplementing with formula. Ya Allah, makbulkanlah do'a dan harapan hambaMu ini ya Rabb... ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa kami sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Pengampun dan hanya Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui akan sesuatu...

Last but not least, (macam panjangkan this entry?)

Happy 2 Months to dear Baby.I ~~

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year

Alhamdulillah, it's 2012 with more new challenges ahead of us. Praying for more rezeki bestowed upon me and my family *insya-Allah* and hopes for the very best for all of us.

Confinement for dearest me ended last week, felt very relieved! Sejak-sejak habis pantang sudah 3x bejalan2 saja.. *lol* twice with Baby.I and so far, he's behaving well. Paling th disukainya usulnya as long as the car is in motion. We have yet to try and bring him jalan-jalan in a stroller. Someday.

Alot of things, me and hubby planned for this year. We'll be moving to a new place insya-Allah... closer to where I work. Family vacation (location to be decided) some time in between mid-year to year-end. Advancement to our career(s) with new strategies implemented to maintain balance between work and family. Ok, here i am, two months away from working... and yet, I'm already thinking about it. *lol* ah well, lebih baik bersedia awal rather than being blur nanti when I start working. :)

Anyhoots, need to do some chores lagi and will try to update s frequent as possible.. ;) ;) until next time.. xoxo~