Alhamdulillah, the SNS worked for me and Baby.I~ Walaupun he is still on formula but at least ia mau bf-ing with it. At least I know that he still have comfort while bf-ing with me. The cons of using SNS is when he's cranky. Due to it's complex bottle shape (which it could be smaller) payah sikit kan prepare the milk sana. I just have to prepare arh my tommee tippee bottle lagi then transfer to the SNS pasang the tube then voila! Baby.I is bf-ing from me. Setitik of my BMs that he managed to suck out pun sudah cukup bermakna for me as of now. At least I tried to coax him to bf-ing. I did not, however, avoid bottle feed from him cos it'll be difficult when I start working nanti.
So yes... relactation process will fully begun when my pump arrives nanti. Yes, yes.. membali jua lah recommended pump (as good as hospital grade ones) for better stimulation and suction. Dudidudidu~ As soon as it arrives, will definitely start my relactation progress. I've read so many blogs and sites regarding this! Hopefully works for me too.. but if it doesn't, Allah knows best. He may have His reasons... who knows kan? Bersangka baik saja kepadaNya...
"La illaha illa anta... subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimeen ..." Pray for me peeps...
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