Sunday, 19 May 2013

..... 18 months

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

It comes to a realisation that it has been, yes, 1.5 years since Baby.I was born! He's grown so much that this entry will be endless if I were to update everything!!! 

First and foremost, Alhamdulillah for blessing us with Little Mr.I. Who eats almost everything now except chocs, ice-creams and candies (because Mama A is very particular) He no longer eats raw steam veggies instead, he eats cooked ones *yay* Babah and Mama are very proud of you Little.I !!! He loves his mixed veggies, steam fish with tomato sauce, chicken soup and mince beef with garlic soy sauce and a few other fritters! Still prepare them slightly blended (except fritters) and kept frozen (better to make large portion for a week / two weeks' stock rather than having to cook them everyday!) ... Some things us working mothers do! *lol*

Secondly, Little I now has increased in vocab of words both Malay and English! Going from 'horse' 'car' 'trAin' 'mam' 'num' and many more. Prays that Little.I will be someone useful and truthful to Allah SWT one day.. *Ameen ya Rabb*

On another note, I'm still weighing out options on how to toilet train Little.I... Thought of training pants or shall I just simply go straight to let him wear those cute tiny underwears?? One mother once told me to wait until he can actually tell us that he's about to peepee or poopoo, another told me to train him with training pants.... Another Mom just simply said, let him wear underwears and feel uncomfy everytime he's done #1 & #2s. I have read through alot of articles on potty cum toilet train and some even given checklist on signs of readiness. Question is? Is Little.I ready? I've to trust my mother's intuition plang ni.. we'll see! It's another joyride *ahem* milestone for us to achieve by age 2. Another 6 months to go...~~~~~~~

Can't blieve it's almost June !?!? and I still have not heard pasal my LDP application, has it been approved? I am only waiting their (JPA/SPA) approval saja lagi... Nervous? Ho yes!! The suspense is unbearable!! Mudahan ja dapat lah.... Insya-Allah *pray for me* and as for my IELTS, I've manage score 6.5 Despite the difficulty faced for my writing exam. Alhamdulillah~ And the Uni I'm applying has given me the offer and CAS no. .... Tick, tock, tick, tock....

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day....

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Today is THE day we get to be reminded of how much our mother has contribute and sacrifice their entire life (after marriage that is) bringing us up and becoming who we are today. Alhamdulillah~ Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT yang memanjangkan usia both my mom and mother-in-law to this day... Mudah-mudahan segala pengorbanan dan kasih sayang yang telah Mama curahkan kepada kami semua mendapat balasan yang setimpal (or more) dari Allah... 

❤ Mama very much! 

Wednesday, 1 May 2013 obsession

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

How is everyone? I hope all is well... And as for me, so far...coping up well with different sorts of hecticness. The more reason to love my husband even deeper each day...thank you Mr.A for being a supportive husband through my ups and downs. Syukur ya Allah for blessing me with a dearly beloved husband, companion and a shoulder to cry on.

A little update about myself, I've enrolled myself for the IELTS exam this coming May. Eh wait, I've talked about this before...ok, scratch the whole line. I am now OFFICIALLY a 'Running Man' follower, I've started watching them from episode 100+ and also repeat marathons from CH393! Me and Hubs are also hooked on this brand new Korean TV series, 'Cheongdam-Dong Alice' a story about a lower class girl finding her way up to be a Cheongdam girl with the guide of her friend's diary.... Can business and love co-exist? 16 episodes, and now we're on episode 9. *smiles* yes, yes ...You guys caught me. I was, oh heck.. I am STILL into Korean series!!!!! Yatahkan....watching all these Korean series leads me, more like lures me to a new obsession...... A SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE II (PINK Ok?) or the S4 *hmmmm* I've been meaning to upgrade my phone to a new one since end of last year.... but have not made a decision,

Which is better???

Ofcourse the s4 is far better than the Note II but I like the size of Note II better than S4. And Note II is cheaper now....

H E L P !!!!