Wednesday, 21 November 2012

... @ 12 months

Yesterday was Baby.I's 12 months appointment and we were late!!! Haiyoooooo~

Reached the clinic at ard 9.00am. *worried much* cos it's almost Baby.I's naptime and his cranky mode was ON!! Alhamdulillah ngam masa we came to the clinic, inda ramai orang. Placed his card on the counter, weigh him (he's 10.2 kg now) and gained alhamdulillah walaupun sikit. His weight has been constant since he was 6 months.. 9.5, 9.6, 9.8 like that~ Padantah dulu atu bolat banar usulnya! *lol* He's getting taller.. Alhamdulillah... everything is according to the range lah. 

Few mins after, kana called in (no queue to my surprise.. nda ramai orang ani bah!!) and the nurse did some checks, Alhamdulillah Baby.I is developing well. 
- Can he understands when being called? 
- Can he say 'mama' 'babah' 'mamam' etc all the simple things? 
- Walk / Cruise? 
Oh he cruises alright! If he's not holding on to our sofa, he moves around the crib simply just by holding my pinky. I hardly have the chance to sit down and read! Confirm d tariknya my hand kan dipimpinnya jalan2.. hehe toddling soon eh Baby.I? 

Nurse ckp insya-Allah inda lagi batah tu... then told me that today will be the MMR and Hib injections on both arms!!! Suspen giler... tot dua2 on both arms... rupanya, MMR one side, Hib on the other... hoookaayyyy~~ Hilang panic sikit and as expected, Baby.I cried but just when the nurse put the needle in, sudah siap...diam tia. Kan di ambilnya plang injection ah...!! So he is really not afraid of the needle or pain, just hates the idea of being hold by force when the session is carried out. *senyum kambing* Hehe ada2 saja lah budak ni... Mama knows you're a strong boy.... injection is nothing! The challenges and responsibilities you will face in this world as a man... now that's something. Mama do'akan that you will always be in Allah's right path... *Amin*

The whole appointment session took us 30 mins only.. and that's record breaking for someone who came late for their appointment. Must've been a slow day at the clinic yesterday... Alhamdulillah, syukur atas memudahkan urusan kami ya Rabb! :)

Until next time... xoxo~

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